Boycott Issued by Missouri AFL-CIO - (2/24/2016)
TAMKO Boycott Issued by Missouri AFL-CIO
The Missouri AFL-CIO is issuing a boycott against David Humphreys' company, TAMKO Building Products. Humphreys is using his Joplin-based multi-million dollar company to attack the House and Senate. Across the sate and Nation, he has donated hundreds of thousands of dollars supporting Right to Work, gutting prevailing wage, promoting bad education bills, paycheck deception tax cuts for the most wealthy and other anti-worker issues. The goal is to put TAMKO Building Products out of business.
More information will be coming soon regarding this boycott and further steps to ensure Mr. Humphreys has no say in future political actions.
Preserve Middle Class Launches "Attack the Attacker" Media Plan
In response to attacks by the Committee for Accountable Government in Missouri against pro-labor Republicans, Preserve Middle Class America has launched the following media this week. Committee for Accountable Government in Missouri is backed solely by the family of David Humphreys, CEO of TAMKO in Joplin, Missouri.
Rush Limbaugh Radio: The attached radio ad has begun airing on all Rush Limbaugh AM stations in the pro-labor Republican districts targeted by David Humphreys.
Digital Media: The following ad will appear as “pre-roll” on Republican-leaning websites of Republican-leaning voters in EACH of the pro-labor Republican districts targeted by David Humphreys. Pre-roll is the ad that appears before you read the news story on the website. It will also be on Facebook and social media with ads specific to each individual legislator—Call Rep. Kevin Engler—Tell him to keep standing up for freedom and keep government out of our business.
Cable TV: The following ad will appear on FOX News in pro-labor Republican districts targeted by David Humphreys. It is a long-form of the 15-second pre-roll.
Joplin: Finally, we cut a “special” version of the 30-second TV ad that will appear on FOX News in Joplin, Missouri. The 800-number connects to his office at TAMKO.
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